Mount Barnett Roadhouse - WA



DEG: -16.716249 125.92704
DMS: 16º 42' 58.5" S 125º 55' 37.34" E
UTM: 51 K 8149540mN 812143mE
Altitude: 400.66m


Address & Contact

Gibb River Rd
WA 6728
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


The Mount Barnett Roadhouse is located just off the Gibb River Road. The roadhouse offers a wealth of local information and is a must stop. Fuel (both diesel and unleaded) is available, plus drinking water top ups for your van, a well stocked store with groceries, take away food and meals, coffee and gas bottle refills.

Opening hours are: 8am - 3pm daily.
Mobile phone reception.

You are required to pay for your Manning Gorge camping pass before proceeding along the 7km track to the creek and camp ground.
On paying your fees you'll receive a mud map of the walk to the Upper Manning Gorge where you can enjoy the sights and experience of swimming beneath cool waterfalls in a large rock pool, or select a bush camp alongside the sandy edge of one of the greatest swimming holes along the Gibb River Road.

See more details in separate listings for Manning Gorge Campground, Manning Gorge, and Upper Manning Gorge.
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Closest Weather Station

Fitzroy Crossing at 02/02:30pm WST
Distance from Mount Barnett Roadhouse 167.35km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Mount Elizabeth
Distance from Mount Barnett Roadhouse 38.04km NE
Mean Max. °C33.032.132.432.529.928.028.530.534.135.936.234.1
Mean Min. °C22.121.820.516.712.
Mean Rain mm255.7226.2163.339.414.712.

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